showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Mario Bros. Special  Hudson Soft (Westside)1984 labelimageminimize
Punch Ball Mario Bros.  Hudson Soft1984 labelimageminimize
Super Mario Bros. Special  Hudson Soft1986Super Mario Bros. Special was made by Hudson Soft in 1986 for the NEC-PC8801 and Sharp X1 series of Japanese PCs. SMB Special was the first Nintendo-licensed sequel to Super Mario Bros., released shortly before Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels. Two years earlier, Hudson Soft had released a similar follow-up game for Mario Bros., entitled Mario Bros. Special.

While superficially very similar to the original Super Mario Bros., the game features original levels and lacks a screen-scrolling mechanism. Jumping and running physics also differ from the original, providing a more challenging experience than Super Mario Bros.. Adding to the difficulty is the fact that the level timer runs much faster than in the NES/Famicom game.

Due to the PC88's technology being slightly inferior to that of the NES/Famicom, the graphics and audio differ somewhat from the original NES game as well. However, they are closely emulated and does not include Luigi or a multiplayer mode.

The Sharp X1 version does contain partial scrolling and better graphics but gives Mario a slightly shorter jump.